Following the Law on Protection of Whistleblowers of the Republic of Lithuania, UAB Imlitex Holdings, UAB Imlitex and UAB Imlitex Service Center have approved the rules on Protection of Whistleblowers based on which a whistleblower (i.e. a person providing information on infringements to UAB Imlitex Holdings, UAB Imlitex, UAB Imlitex Service Center and having present or past employment or contractual relations with mentioned entities), is entitled to submit a notification on an infringement by email [email protected] or by coming to UAB Imlitex Holdings, UAB Imlitex, UAB Imlitex Service Center at their registered address, Europos av. 124, Kaunas and submitting a notification on committed infringement directly to the competent subject.
The form of Notification on committed infringement can be found in the Resolution No. 1133 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania dated 14-11-2018 On implementation of the Law on Protection of Whistleblowers of the Republic of Lithuania.
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Companies belonging to the Imlitex Holdings, UAB group of companies, where personnel management services are provided centrally to all companies of the group of companies by UAB Imlitex Service Center, are subject to the same procedures and standards for the processing and protection of employees' personal data. Personal data of the Company's employees are processed: